Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
Susceptibility of the soil fauna (Collembola, Acari ) to different tillage systems was studied at the Experimental Research Station Swojec, Agricultural University of Wrocław. The zero-tillage system (direct sowing) and reduced tillage (10 cm deep ploughing) were compared to conventional ploughing (18 cm) on a winter wheat field. To determine the density of springtails and mites six soil samples from each plot (split-plot combinations, four replications) were taken. Arthropods were extracted using Tullgren’s apparatus modified by Murphy. Trial research was conducted twice in spring-time in 2003. The abundance of Collembola was strongly affected by reducing soil tillage. The mean number of these insects was significantly higher when zero-tillage system was used, both with relation to conventional and reduced tillage. Totally, 24 species of springtails were identified. The most numerous in all treatments were Mesaphorura macrochaeta, Parisotoma notabilis, Isotoma viridis and Proisotoma minuta. In zero-tillage system Sphaeridia pumilis was also numerous. Similar results were also recorded for mites population. A clear effect was found especially in the case of Oribatida, Gamasida and Prostigmata groups. Other Acari were present in soil samples in a small number.