Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Tom 59 Nr 2 (2004)


Ocena przydatności ziarna pszenicy twardej (Triticum durum Desf.) do produkcji pieczywa

  • Leszek Rachoń
  • Danuta Kulpa
Przesłane: 8 czerwca 2020
Opublikowane: 08-06-2004


Durum wheat, due to its properties, is used mainly for noodle production. Bread made of this wheat species (kind of bread) is also met in Arabic countries. Information on addition of flour made of durum wheat grain applied as an improving agent to bread made of common wheat was found in literature. Therefore, a study aiming to evaluate the usefulness of the Polish line of hard wheat for bread production, was undertaken. The study material originated from the experiments conducted at Department of Plant Cultivation on the fields of the Experimental Farm at the Agricultural University of Lublin, Felin where the yielding and grain quality of durum and common wheat were compared. Technological properties were evaluated using Polish line of hard wheat LGR 1359/8 in comparison to common wheat cv. Torka. The pattern of study included 6 combinations: 1. Torka – 100%; 2. Torka – 95% + LGR1359/8 – 5%; 3. Torka – 90% + LGR1359/8 – 10%; 4. Torka – 70% + LGR1359/8-25%; 5. Torka – 50% + LGR1359/8 – 50%; 6. LGR1359/8 – 100%. After adjusting the grain humidity to the optimum level, milling on QC 109 milling machine was made recording the flour extract and bran efficiency. Then, farinographic evaluation of dough was performed assessing water absorption, time of dough development, time of dough stability, resistance and elasticity. On the basis of sample baking (single-phase method) the following items were determined: dough and bread efficiency and total baking loss as well as bread volume. Organoleptic assessment of the produced bread (shape, flavor, color, thickness, elasticity etc.) was carried out as well. Moreover, protein and gluten content was analyzed. The results point out that slight (5%) addition of durum to common wheat improved the elasticity of dough and increased the volume of bread. A higher addition and baking with only using durum flour did not positively affect the quality of bread.


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