Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
The aim of the present research was to compare the residual effect of six undersown crops cultivated on the light soil on the yielding of spring barley. The field experiment was carried out in the years 1993–1997 at the Experimental Station of Bezek near Chełm. The static field research was carried out by split-plot method in four replications. The field experiment included six undersown crops: serradella Bydgoska 40 kg ha-1, white clover Podkowa 10 kg ha-1, red clover Hruszowska 20 kg ha-1, hop trefoil Renata 15 kg ha-1, white melilot Selgo 20 kg ha-1, Dutch ryegrass Motycki 40 kg ha-1 planted into four cereal crops: winter rye Dankowskie Złote (240 plants per m2), winter triticale Presto (350 plants per m2), spring barley Rudzik (230 plants per m2) and oat Dragon (400 plants per m2) and control treatment. Residual spring barley was cultivated after undersown crops. Undersown crops did not affect grain yield of spring barley. Oat increased grain yield of spring barley. Unfavorable water balance decreased grain yield of spring barley.