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Tom 68 Nr 2 (2013)


Zmienność sum opadów atmosferycznych w okresie wegetacyjnym w północno-wschodniej Polsce w latach 1951–2000

Przesłane: 23 maja 2019
Opublikowane: 28-06-2013


The research was conducted on variability of precipitation in selected stations of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW) in north-eastern Poland during the years 1951–2000. Individual months of the vegetation period were characterized using a 30-year moving sample. Evaluation of the values precipitation norms and the analysis of tendencies for all months as well as probability of anomaly calculated by means of gamma distribution were described. It was established that probability of occurrence of precipitations below the lower limit of the norm at all the stations displayed a significant increasing trend in August and precipitation exceeding the upper limit of the norm – showed a significantly decreasing trend. A growing, mostly significant trend of probability of occurrence of high precipitation was found in all examined localities in June and September.


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