Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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About the Journal

Agronomy Science (formerly: Annales UMCS sec. E Agricultura, ISSN 0365-1118, e-ISSN 2083-7410) is a peer-reviewed journal, published since 1945, nowadays quarterly, available in both paper and electronic forms, in open acces, according to the Budapest Declaration, under the conditions CC BY 4.0 (until 2020 under the conditions CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
It is Polish and English language journal that publishes original experimental papers based on the results of research and development in all aspects of plant production, land utilization and environment protection as well as reviews in all areas of agronomy and plant production including actual problems of modern agriculture.

The topics include:
– advances in traditional agronomy,
– agricultural production of renewable energies,
– agriculture and preservation of natural resources,
– agro-climatology and agronomic modeling,
– agro-ecosystems and the environment,
– biogeochemistry of agrosystems,
– genetics, biotechnology and breeding, plant molecular biology and genomics,
– crop and system modelling,
– plant physiology and plant-environment interactions,
– crop quality and post-harvest physiology,
– ecological cropping and farming systems,
– environmental impact on soil, water, air and biodiversity,
– field crops, alternative and medicinal plants,
– indicators of food quality and safety of plant origin,
– forages,
– plant production systems and optimization pre-harvest production practices,
– plant nutrition,
– plant protection,
– soil science and conservation,
– mechanization and economics of plant production.
The scope of Agronomy Science covers topics connected to broad sense crop production as well as non-agricultural aspects of agricultural lands.

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