Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
There are stored over 70 000 accessions in the form of seeds, over 1 900 accessions in in vitro cultures (over 1 700 potato accessions), liquid nitrogen (more than 90 accessions – rye). The EGISET information system, developed and run by KCRZG, is used to manage the information associated with genebank accessions. The collected data includes the passport data of the collected objects and the evaluation data and data describing the condition of the stored seed samples in the storage. For example, in the years 2013–2016, the passport data of over 1 300 accessions has been included in the EGISET information system and the evaluation data for 2 772 accessions. More than 15 500 accessions have been added to the MLS, and third-party rights have been updated for 22 520 accessions to enable them to be ordered. The viability tests results were imported into module for the years 2002–2007, for 7 216 accessions. The EURISCO has been provided with passport data of 69 418 accessions.
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