Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 59 No. 1 (2004)


Variability and interrelationship between some quantitative traits of triticale 8x hybrids with wheat 6x and parental forms

Submitted: June 3, 2020
Published: 2004-03-23


Biometric measurements of yield-forming traits were performed using plants of 4 secondary hexaploid triticale cross combination (triticale 8x x wheat 6x), in generations from BC1F1 to BC1F6 (without BC1F4, which was most often absent due to unfavorable weather conditions) and parental forms: 4 strains of primary octoploid triticale and 4 cultivars of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.): Jana, Aurora, Liwilla and Lanca. The secondary hexaploid triticale was obtained due
to a single back crossbreeding of primary octoploid triticale forms (2n = 56) ( ) in C3 or C4, with respective parental wheat varieties (2n = 42) ( ). Then, hybrid plants were reproduced through self-pollination. Estimation of yield-forming traits was performed at the same time for respective parental forms and hybrids being the progeny of euploids in generations. The characteristics and the range of variability and interrelationship between particular traits determining triticale yield revealed that main shoot length, spike density and fertility usually increased in plants of the hybrid generations studied. Significant phenotypical correlation coefficients pointed to a favorable influence of octoploid triticale on the shaping of the main shoot length, spike density, fertility and 1000-kernel weight for hybrids in BC1F2 or more rarely in BC1F3 as well as rachilla length in BC1F5. Paternal form – hexaploid wheat – positively affected the rachilla length and 1000-kernel weight in BC1F2, but negatively the 1000-kernel weight in BC1F3, and the spike density in BC1F5. Octoploid triticale of great spike density and high 1000-kernel weight had a favorable effect on those traits in hybrid plants in BC1F2; however, their high 1000-kernel weight negatively correlated with that value in BC1F6. In general, the most evident influence of parental components on hybrid forms occurred at early generations, notably in BC1F2, which could be used during selection in a breeding cycle.


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