Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 57 (2002)


Wrażliwość konidii promieniowców w różnych fazach kiełkowania na jony kadmu i miedzi

Submitted: March 3, 2021
Published: 2002-12-31


The effect of heavy metals on microorganisms was studied considering various as-pects. Although the effect of heavy metals belonging to the grey and black groups on the vegetation forms is commonly known, the knowledge of their effect on germinating conidia is insufficient. The studies aimed to determine the effect of cadmium (5 µg/ml) and copper (200 µg/ml) ions on the germination process of streptomycetes conidia. A wild type strain was selected, and the germina-tion process of the conidia was observed using a light microscope and measuring absorbency by a nephelometer. The results are presented in tables and figures. Given the data one may found that cadmium ions inhibited germination of conidia when they were added to a medium after 0 or 2 hours of the incubation time. The later introduction of cadmium ions to the medium did not show significant effect on the germination process. In contrast, copper ions introduced at the tested concentration did not affect this process.


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