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Vol. 79 No. 1 (2024)


Economic and environmental performance of the arable organic farms of the selected EU countries

Submitted: June 1, 2023
Published: 2024-08-07


The aim of the study was the economic and environmental assessment of fieldcrops organic farms in selected countries of the European Union. The analysis was carried out for countries located in different Evironmental Zones, i.e. Atlantic/Continetal – Germany, Continental – Poland, Boreal – Finland and Mediterranean – Italy. The basis for the study was data from the FADN database (2016-2018) obtained from the European Commission. The analysis shows that organic fieldcrops farms in these countries differed in production potential resulting from having different resources of land, labor and capital. The structure of crops in the studied farms was adapted to soil and climatic conditions and had an impact on the value of production, economic outcomes and environment. The study showed low production and income inefficiency of field organic farms and their significant dependence on public support.


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