Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 71 No. 1 (2016)


Essential oils of peppermint and caraway as natural sprout inhibitors in potato tubers during storage and their effect on sensory quality after cooking

Submitted: May 8, 2019
Published: 2016-04-12


The aim of the study was to determine the effect of natural sprouting inhibitors on potato tubers during storage and their effect on potato sensory quality after cooking. Five varieties of potatoes suitable for processing were provided after harvest in the experimental storage at 8°C and a relative humidity of 90–95%. During storage, the potatoes were treated every 10 days with the essential oils of peppermint and caraway. During the study, we observed the beginning of sprouting and the growth of sprouts after treatment with essential oils. After storage, the potatoes were boiled. On boiled potatoes the assessment of sensory quality, which includes: overcooking surface, texture, mealiness, flesh texture, taste and smell, was carried out. The analysis showed that inhibition of potato sprouting after the application of peppermint and caraway significantly depended on the variety. The preparation of peppermint most effectively inhibited sprouting tubers of variety Bursztyn (59.3% efficiency), and caraway tubers of variety Stasia (60% efficiency). Independently of the kind of inhibitors, potato variety Gwiazda did not give positive results (only 27% efficiency). Potato tubers on which the preparations of peppermint and were most effective had a lower degree of overcooked surface. Treatments of the natural inhibitor of peppermint and caraway significantly worsened the taste and smell of cooked potato of all varieties.


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