Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 70 No. 4 (2015)


Micropropagation of stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bert.) through node explants isolated from in vitro produced plants

Submitted: May 9, 2019
Published: 2015-12-18


The main aim of the study was to assess the capacity of Stevia rebaudiana population for micropropagation through node explants. Primary explants were shoots apex collected from plants growing in glasshouse. Node explants were excised from sterile plants developed in vitro. They were placed on MS medium supplemented with different BAP concentrations (0.5–4 After 3 weeks, explants were transferred onto the fresh medium with the same BAP concentrations and 0.1 GA3. Within another 3 weeks each node explants regenerated shoots. The maximum shoots formation (11.36 shoots per explant) was observed on the medium containing 1.0 BAP and 0.1 GA3. Each of the BAP and GA3 combinations produced much callus. The maximum callus proliferation was found on MS medium containing 1.0 BAP. In vitro regenerated shoots were rooted in MS medium supplemented with various concentrations of IBA (0.25–1.5 Within 5 weeks each shot produced roots. The maximum root number (10.04) was obtained at 1.0 IBA. Forty seedlings were moved into the pots filled with sterile soil mixture and subjected to the hardening process. 92.5% of the plants survived acclimatization.


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