Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 68 No. 2 (2013)


Thermal characteristics of winter period in two mesoregions of north-eastern Poland

Submitted: May 23, 2019
Published: 2013-06-28


The paper concerns thermal characteristics of the winter period in the years 1990–2010 in two localities (Bałcyny, Tomaszkowo) belonging to different mesoregions in north-eastern Poland. The winter period is assumed to be the time with the average daily air temperature below 0°C for 5 consecutive days. In this paper the following elements of the winter period are characterized: the average and the sum of air temperatures, temperature extremes – minimum and maximum, minimum temperatures on the ground surface in the winter period. The start and the end of the winter period varied in the investigated places. In the period of 20 years the duration of winter in Bałcyny was 80 days, while in Tomaszkowo was 85 days. Although the winter in Bałcyny was shorter by 5 days than in Tomaszkowo, it was characterized by lower average daily air temperatures, the minimum and maximum temperatures and the minimum temperatures on the ground surface. The statistical analysis of the examined thermal conditions of winter in the analyzed mesoregions pointed to the significant differentiation of the sum of minimum temperatures. Among the analyzed period of 20 winters, the most severe winters in Bałcyny occurred in 1995/1996 1996/1997 and Tomaszkowo in 1995/1996, 2002/2003.


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