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Vol. 1 No. 1 (2002)


Investigations on application the photovoltaic cells in the agriculture and agro-alimentary industry. Part I – theoretical basis

Submitted: May 24, 2023
Published: 2002-06-30


The paper describe new possibilities the application of the photovoltaic cells in agriculture and agro-alimentary industry, obtained by their use to produce the hydrogen by electrolyze. The principal condition of the high efficiency of the process, is fitting the photovoltaic cell with the electrolyser. In the paper are presented mathematics models of the elektrolyser and photovoltaic cell and also the simulation their mutually fitting. The optimal condition of the fitting were established. It permit to obtain the maximal efficiency of the all process of the transformation the solar energy into the energy stocked into hydrogen fuel.


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  5. Karta katalogowa ogniwa fotowoltaicznego typu BP270L produkowanego przez BP Solar – Wielka Brytania.


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