Combining Ability Effects of Selected Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) Genotypes. Part II. Number of Fruits, Average Fruit Weight and Yield

Jacek Gawroński


In this study the hierarchic crossing scheme primarily classified according to female parent forms was used to obtain 30 populations of strawberry crosses. The analysis of these populations formed the grounds for discovering the general combining ability (GCA) of genotypes subject to this research. The combining ability of 10 analyzed parent forms was defined for the following characteristics: number of fruit, fruit yield and average fruit weight. Genotypes subject to assessment showed both positive and negative results for general combining ability. Significant positive GCA effects for the number of fruit grown by each plant occurred in case of clone 3387 and for 'Korona' cultivar. Also, highly beneficial specific interaction of these two genotypes caused a significant increase of this feature in their progenies. The study found that clone 3387 had the highest positive GCA effects with regard to fruit yield, whereas clone 2598 had the highest negative effects. Significant positive GCA results for average fruit weight occurred in 'Pandora' cultivar. The least beneficial influence on this feature was shown by clone 1890.


Fragaria x ananassa Duch., combining ability, hierarchic crossing scheme, number of fruits, yield, average fruit weight

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Jacek Gawroński 


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