Effect of Different Levels of Nitrogen Fertilization and Additional Foliage Feeding on the Yield and Some Elements in Leaves and Fruits of Tomato

Katarzyna Dzida

Zbigniew Jarosz


The study was carried out in unheated plastic greenhouse during 2002–2003 seasons. In the experiment with tomato cv. 'Raissa F1' two doses of nitrogen fertilizer (1.0 and 1.5 g · dm–3 substrate) and foliage feeding (Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium Plonochrons) on the yield and nutrients content in leaves and fruits were investigated. Nitrogen doses and foliage feeding had no significant effect on the total yield of fruits. The highest total yield (4.87 kg · plant–1) in tomato grown with higher nitrogen dose and Magnesium Plonochron foliage feeding was observed. A higher dry matter and total sugars content in fruits of tomato fertilized higher nitrogen dose was detected. Nitrogen doses and foliage feeding affected the differences in mineral content of leaves and tomato fruits.


tomato, nitrogen, foliar nutrition, yield

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Katarzyna Dzida 
Zbigniew Jarosz 


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