The Complex of Parasitic Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera: Parasitica) Occurring in Aphids Colonies on Decorative Shrubs in the Urban Environment

Bożenna Jaśkiewicz

Aneta Sławińska


Observations were carried out in the years 1999–2001 on the shrubs Rosa sp., Juniperus communis L., i (L. Späth) P.A. Schmidt, Crataegus x media Bechst., Cotoneaster divaricatus Rehder et E.H. Wilson, Pinus mugo Turra, Cornus alba L., Spiraea japonica L.f. in the urban conditions of Lublin. The purpose of the studies was to establish the species composition and the number of parasitic Hymenoptera accompanying the aphids. The obtained adult specimens of Hymenoptera were included into parasitoids of grades I (48%) and II (52%). Parasitic Hymenoptera of grade I belonged only to the family of Aphidiidae. Trioxys angelicae Haliday was the most numerous among them. Hyperparasitoids were included into five families (Cynipidae, Pteromalidae, Encyrtidae, Eulophidae and Megaspilidae) and the dominating species were Charips victrix Westwood and Pachyneuron aphidis Bouché. Parasitization of aphids on the examined shrubs was small and it ranged from 0.08% to 4.35%.


aphids, parasitoids, hiperparasitoids, ornamental shrubs

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Bożenna Jaśkiewicz 
Aneta Sławińska 


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