Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin

Distribution of moisture in a mixture of organic materials

Marek Ścibisz


Moisture is the parameter inseparably connected with the processing of the materials of vegetable origin. This concerns both gathering, transportation and the processing of organic materials. That is why this factor is still controlled in the technological process. So far there has been no possibility of quick measurement of moisture of small vegetable objects, such a single grain. Recently a microwave measurement instrument intended for these aims was developed in Subdepartment of Electrical Engineering and Measuring Systems at the Department of Technology Fundamentals at University of Life Sciences in Lublin. The study results of distribution changes of grain moisture are presented in the paper. It studied the mixture of two samples of soya bean of different moisture with the storage time. It was observed that even after a weeks’ storage there were large deviations of moisture from the average value measured by typical moisture instruments.


ziarno, wilgotność, pomiar mikrofalowy

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Marek Ścibisz 


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