Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin

The influence of liming and mineral fertilization on cadmium content in tubers of potatoes cultivated in cropping system

Janina Kaniuczak


The paper presents studies on cadmium content in potatoes of tubers cultivated in 1986–2001, on grey-brown podzolic soils formed from loess. The experiment was done according to the method of random subblocks in the static fertilizers field with plant cultivation in the 4-years cropping system, and NPK Mg, NPK Mg Ca fertilization. Crop rotation was the following: in 1986–1989 – potatoes, spring barley, pasture cabbage, whinter wheat; in 1990–1993, 1994–1997, 1997–2001 – potatoes, spring barley, pasture sunflower whinter wheat. Mineral fertilization included NPK fertilization against the background of constant Mg fertilization, and varied NPK fertilization against the background of constant Mg and Ca (liming) fertilization. Liming was performed in 1985, 1989, 1993, 1997 (4 t ha-1 CaO). The experiment included 14 fertilizer objects, in 4 replications. Cadmium content in tubers of potatoes were determinated by atomic absorption spectrophotometry after mineralizing plant samples in the mixture: HNO3 : HClO4 : H2SO4, in ratio 20 : 5 : 1, in organic phase (MBIK). Liming decreased cadmium content in tubers of potatoes. Mineral fertilization did not influence cadmium content. But a tendency to increase cadmium content in tubers of potatoes was observed in the effect of higher doses: P, K and NPK fertilization.


Janina Kaniuczak 


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