Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin

Efffect of humidification and chemical preservation on in vitro starch digestibility of triticale and rye grain

Ewa Makarska


The aim of the paper was to evaluate the effect of two chemical preservation agents (acidic Cytromix plus and basic urea) on in vitro digestibility of grain starch in selected triticale cultivars (Pinokio, Ugo, Lamberto) as well as rye (Warko cv.). Starch in vitro digestibility was
measured with the amount of released glucose in a reaction with 3.5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) during enzymatic digestion using Bio-Feed-Beta preparation. The conservation procedure was performed under hermetic conditions applying 0.2% solution of Cytromix plus and 2% solution of urea as well as using dried grain and of 30% humidity for 10 and 30 days. Wet grain (30%) without conservation agents was the control. In the case of Cytromix plus applied for rye grain, the increase of starch digestibility proportional to the procedure duration was observed. Triticale cultivars reacted in different ways towards conservation agents depending on the type of preparation and the conservation time. An obvious increase of starch digestibility was found for Pinokio and Lamberto cv. after 30-day application of both Cytromix plus and urea. The highest increase of reducing sugars after applying Cytromix Plus for 10 days and urea for 30 days was recorded in grains of Ugo cv.


Ewa Makarska 


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