Leszek Mieszkalski

Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego Katedra Organizacji i Inżynierii Produkcji


This paper presents a proposal for the method of mathematical modeling of the shape of the apple using Bézier curves. Modeling selected apple varieties Ligol and Jonagored. The contour of the apple, which is the meridian described three connected Bézier curves. The basis for the contour the apples are their photographs in 10 changing positions at 36o and 99 Bézier curves arranged along meridians apples. Bézier curves approximating the meridians lying on the surface of apples are the 3D model. The proposal method using Bézier curves can be used for mathematical modeling of the shape of apples


apple shape, Bézier curves, method, mathematical model, model 3D

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Leszek Mieszkalski 
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego Katedra Organizacji i Inżynierii Produkcji


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