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Tom 30 Nr 4 (2012)


Cytogenetic and molecular analysis of chromosome instability in cattle with reproductive problems

Przesłane: marca 17, 2021
Opublikowane: 2012-12-31


The cytogenetic and molecular analysis of cattle chromosome instability revealed excessive fragility of chromosome X in q11, q24, q31 and p13 regions in cows with reproductive
problems. The highest frequency of structural defects was found in BTAXp13 region containing FRM1 gene locus with unstable trinucleotide CGG repeats which were mapped by in situ PCR
method. The results obtained suggest that chromosome X structural instability may be a cause of defective expression of genes related with fertility and it leads to a decrease of reproductive efficiency. The present outcomes can be used in further studies on the cytogenetic and molecular substructure of chromosome instability phenomenon and their phenotypic effects in cattle.


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