Characterization of the performance of purebred Arabian horses in endurance riding in Poland in the years 2005–2009

Dorota Sobczuk

Department of Animal Breeding and Use, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences in Zamość, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Szczebrzeska 102, 22-400 Zamość


Endurance riding is an equestrian discipline increasingly practised in Poland. In the years 2005–2009, equestrians competed 627 times on 225 purebred Arabian horses in various competitive categories. The horses came from 10 sire lines and 17 dam lines. The most frequently competing horses were from the sire lines Kuhailan Afas, Ibrahim and Saklawi I and from the dam lines Gazella and Mlecha. The greatest number of winning horses came from the sire lines Kuhailan Afas, Saklawi I and Ibrahim and from the dam lines Gazella, Mlecha and Sahara. Highly significant differences were noted between the average speeds obtained by Arabian horses during rides of different distances in competition. Distances were divided into those up to 80 km for young horses, with speed limits, and those over 80 km. In comparison with the average speeds achieved in Poland in 1991–1995, increases were observed on all distances.


Arabian horses, endurance riding

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Dorota Sobczuk 
Department of Animal Breeding and Use, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences in Zamość, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Szczebrzeska 102, 22-400 Zamość


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