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Tom 36 Nr 2 (2018)


American foulbrood – a dangerous bacterial honey bee disease

Przesłane: listopada 29, 2018
Opublikowane: 2018-11-29


Honeybees are exposed to many threats including a bacterial disease called American foulbrood (AFB). The AFB disease is caused by Paenibacillus larvae bacteria, which infects the brood at an early stage of development and leads to the death of the whole colony. Foulbrood bacteria are common in the environment, but neglected apiaries and non-sterilized beekeeping equipment are believed to be the main source of infection. This disease is rapidly spreading, and due to the prohibition on the use of antibiotics in the EU, there is no effective method of treatment. The only way to protect against the appearance of foulbrood in the apiary is prevention activity based on a good knowledge about the mechanisms of infection.


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