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Tom 25 Nr 1 (2007)


Transferrin genotypes as genetic markers of lifetime prolificacy of ewes in a flock of prolific sheep 09

Przesłane: maja 7, 2021
Opublikowane: 2007-06-30


The aim of the study was to investigate the possibility to use polymorphic variants of transferrin (Tf) as genetic markers of prolificacy in ewes in the first six breeding seasons. The
experimental material consisted of 89 ewes of prolific sheep 09 (44% Polish Merino, 31% East-Friesian milk sheep, 25% Finnish sheep). The mean size of the litter from ewes having different transferrin genotypes in individual periods within the 6-year-long reproduction utilization exhibited considerable variability. In the whole investigated period, covering six breeding seasons, the most prolific ewes were those with transferrin genotypes BB and DP, with the mean litter size of 1.70. In all the five analyzed periods there is a clear trend for ewes with transferrin genotype MM to have the lowest index values. When selecting the flock of prolific sheep line 09 for increased prolificacy the transferrin genotype may be applied as an additional selection criterion and it would be advisable to keep for the purpose of flock replacement ewes with genotypes Tf BB or Tf DP, while ewes with genotype Tf MM, as the least prolific, should be culled.


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