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Tom 24 (2006)


Wskaźniki biometryczne kuców felińskich w wieku trzech lat

Przesłane: sierpnia 18, 2021
Opublikowane: 2006-12-31


The paper presents changes in biometrics indices in Felin Ponies at the age of 3 years in successive periods of breeding as well as breed component influence on the measurements and conformation
proportions. Until 2004, 170 mares and 113 stallions were studied, out of which the majority were given the breeding licence. Arithmetic means of the basic measurements in Felin Ponies born in the last breeding period, at the age of 3 years, amounted to, the stallions and mares, respectively: height at withers – 132.6 ±6.4 i 130.9±7.16 cm; chest circumference – 156.2 ±6.97 i 159.4 ±7.47 cm, cannon circumference – 17.4 ±1.04 i 16.6 ±0.99 cm. Mean biometric indexes in stallions and mares equaled respectively: 119%; 123% – massiveness, 13.2%; 12.8% boniness and 102.5%; 104.9% oblique body length index. They indicate the Felin Pony is of an all-purpose utility type with the majority of saddle traits. Alteration of the Felin Pony towards the saddle type is possible with the use of Arabian Horses, Arab-Konik Horses, small Malopolski Horses and crossings of the Felin Pony with these breeds. Draught traits may be improved by the use of Polish Konik and Hutzul Horses as well as the crossing of these breeds with the Felin Pony.


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