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Tom 24 (2006)


Wskaźniki rozrodu norek przy zastosowaniu różnych warunków żywienia

Przesłane: sierpnia 23, 2021
Opublikowane: 2006-12-31


In a mink farm located in SE Poland, puppies from scanbrown morph after weaning from monthers were selected into 2 groups, 50 individuals each (I experimental, II control). Both groups were fed with the same feed. The energetic value for 1 kg was: 1800–2500 Kcal/EM, depending on the growth stage,protein 32–35%; fat 45–50%. The difference between two groups was in the use of feed in group I with an additional preservative sodium pyrosulphite in dose 0.2; 0.3 of total feed mass with Rendox antioxidant 0.15–0.20 per 1 kg of feed. Both preservatives were added into fish-meat components stored in cooling room. Several breeding parameters were controlled: percentage of fertilized and sterile females, average brood size, percentage losses of puppies on 7th day,between 7th–21st days and the number of puppies weaned from a statistical dam, mass of breed and puppies on 2nd, 7th, 14th and 21st days. Our results indicate clearly that adding preservative and antioxidate influenced positively the sanitary standard of feed in group I where we received higher and more satisfying breeding parameters in comparison to the control group.


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