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Tom 24 (2006)


Wpływ diety na parametry biochemiczne krwi norek

Przesłane: 23 sierpnia 2021
Opublikowane: 31.12.2006


The aim of this study was to compare the values of biochemical markers in mink females fed in two ways. In the experimental farm, pastel females were randomly selected into two experimental
groups, 30 individuals each. Group K was the control group, fed within the norms. Group D was periodically fed in a limited way from 15 IV–10 V. After this period in group D the dose of feed was enlarged to equal it to the level from group K. The blood from females was sampled just before slaughtering. In plasma we estimated bilirubin, cholesterol, glucose, urea, creatinin, urinary acid, ALT, ASP, ALP, LDH. The levels of all parameters were significantly different in each group. In D group, fed in a limited way, the enzyme activity was much lower. A similar tendency occurred in the other parameters.


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