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Vol. 33 No. 3 (2015)


The quality and technological usefulness of porker meat differentiated by daily gain

Submitted: July 30, 2019
Published: 2015-09-30


The aim of the study was to analyze the quality and technological usefulness of meat of porkers differentiated by the daily gain. The investigations were conducted on 149 twocrossbreeds fatteners: (L × Y) and (L × D). Basing on the distribution of the average daily gain in the analysed group three subgroups of fatteners were distinguished: group I ≤ 620 g day-1, group II >620 and ≤740 g day-1, group III >740 g day-1. In group I with a low daily gain, a stronger acidity of LL muscle and the most intensive energetic turnover (R1) in an early period post mortem (45 min) were noted. The meat of fatteners with the highest daily gain (group III) was characterized by greater acidity in 24 and 48 hrs post mortem. It was confirmed in the highest frequency of carcasses with faulty acid meat (40.62% of carcasses vs. 24.36% in group II and 0% in group I). There were not any statistically significant differences in the technological yield in curing and cooking processes of meat of fatteners differentiated by daily gain


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