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Vol. 31 No. 1 (2013)


Intensity of damages made by wild boars under diverse environmental conditions on a background of the population dynamics

Submitted: March 9, 2021
Published: 2013-03-31


The study aimed at analyzing the size and distribution of damages made during 6 hunting seasons taking into considerations the hunting management of the wild boar population, as well as the influence of the diversity of environmental conditions on the size of damage and the animals’ preying preferences, within two hunting circuits localized on the studied area. Both hunting circuits are situated on the Lublin Upland and are leased by the same hunting circle, which causes that all nursery treatments associated with the hunting management are similar. A dynamic increase of damages in the cultivation of cereals and maize crops, as well as on permanent grass-lands occurred during the studied period. On the other hand, relative stabilization of the damage size was observed within root crops. The calculated indices of animals’ preying preferences indicated that permanent grasslands and maize became the most preferred crops, while cereals were characterized by the least preying attractiveness for animals. The analysis of the dependence between the size and shape of forest complexes revealed that, under the present environmental conditions of agrocenoses, this factor has no remarkable effect on the size of damages in agricultural crops. Meanwhile, the calculated dependencies between wild boar population and damage dimensions within the crops indicated that there was a high and statistically significant correlation between the increase of wild boar population and an elevated damage size made in agricultural crops.


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