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Vol. 24 (2006)


Badania porównawcze narządów rozrodczych loszek z różnych systemów chowu

Submitted: August 11, 2021
Published: 2006-12-31


Comparative studies of reproductive organs of hybrid gilts deriving from cross-breeding of Polish Large White and Polish Landrace were carried oud. The gilts vere bred in both smallproducers
farms and (indrustrial) production farms. In both farms the animals were fed with allmash feed. Gilts were slaughtered from 105 to 110 kg. The following features were examined: uterus weight, length of uterus neck, length of uterus horns, length and width of oviducts, weight and size of ovaries, number of corpora lutea on the left and right ovary and cases where infantylism and other disorders in reproductive organs of gilts occurred. No significant differences in development of reproductive organs were found in gilts from small producers farms and (industrial) production farms. Slightly greater values were observed for weight of uterus and oviducts, length of uterus horns and oviducts and number of corpora lutea on both ovaries in gilts from small-producers farms. More frequent cases of faults in the development of reproductive organs were observed such as: infantylism of uterus and ovaries, one-horn uterus, cysts and growths on ovaries in gilts from (industrial) production farms.


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