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Vol. 29 No. 1 (2019)


Walnut raw materials

Submitted: August 9, 2019
Published: 2019-03-31


The publication presents herbal raw materials obtained from walnut and their therapeutic use. The work is based on Polish textbooks in the field of phytotherapy, research dealing with traditional medicine and scientific publications on the medicinal applications of this plant. Basic medicinal raw materials collected from walnut trees are leaf (Juglandis folium) and pericarp (Juglandis fructus cortex); however, this plant offers a significantly greater range of raw material: bud (Juglandis gemmae), bark (Juglandis cortex), flower (Juglandis flos), fruit (Juglandis fructus), unripe fruit (Juglandis immature fructus), and root (Juglandis radix). Raw materials harvested from this plant are used in many countries around the world in traditional medicine for skin disorders, gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases, helminthiasis, heartache, headaches, rheumatic pains, female diseases, diabetes, scrofula, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, thyroid problems, fever, flu, angina, throat ulcers, conjunctivitis, leg cramps, consumption, malaria and even impotence and erection problems. The conducted scientific studies often confirm the recommendations of folk medicine and indicate many other promising medical applications of raw materials obtained from this plant. All this allows us to assume that in the future walnut-based medicine will increase in importance and popularity.


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