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Vol. 27 No. 1 (2017)


Fruits of goji berry (Lycium barbarum and Lycium chinense) – new possibility for horticulture or risk for consumers?

Submitted: January 4, 2019
Published: 2017-03-28


Lycium barbarum and Lycium chinense are two out of some 100 species of the genus Lycium belonging to the Solanaceae family that are grown for their decorative value and low soil requirements. However, in recent years some possibilities for fruits production appeared together with the new cultivars selection and interest in its health benefits. In the traditional Chinese medicine fresh and dry fruits, juice and other part of the plant, e.g. root bark, leaves have been used for centuries. Now on the market not only plants are available, but also dry fruit from China are sold throughout the country. Consumers’ opinions differ because some literature presented L. barbarum, and L. chinense as a toxic plant. In connection with these reports, possibilities of fruit using and establishing of Lycium plantation in the Polish conditions, based on literature, are discussed and presented.


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