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Vol. 27 No. 3 (2017)


Possibilities of using modern greenhouse facilities in garden therapy

Submitted: January 8, 2019
Published: 2017-09-10


Horticultural production in the traditional sense is seen as a source of various kinds of final plant products, such as flowers, fruits, nursery stock, herbs, vegetables, and combinations thereof in the form of gardening assumptions of various uses. The current state of technology does not allow for the automated processes during the growing season. Manual implementation requires in many cases, especially on a scale not covering large-scale farms, among others: sowing, quilting, planting, weeding, all kinds of nursing care, grafting and harvesting the final crop of each plant. Performing such treatments and using the obtained yields is a rich source of stimuli used in hortitherapy. Also, the conditions of cultivating plants, especially in greenhouses, allow for many additional stimuli that can have a positive impact on people with various diseases and disabilities and psychological problems. Currently, close to care centers, center of therapies and rehabilitation of those people, special gardens or glazed objects are set up increasingly often, where the parameters of the climate in the interior are similar to the conditions of open space in late spring and summer. The developing technology of growing herbs and vegetables under cover offers a wide range of potential opportunities for effective horticultural therapy. Buildings for growing this types of crops are increasingly equipped with flood tables, which can act as lifted stands, additional LED lighting or high pressure sodium lamps, a climate control system that allows you to create any climate model inside the facility. Transport routes within modern greenhouse and tunneling facilities now allow for easy and safe movement of people with various disabilities.


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