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Vol. 15 No. 1 (2005)


The Analysis of Changes in the Economic Situation of Flower Bulbs Growers in Poland in the Years 1991–2001

  • Wioletta Wróblewska
Submitted: May 20, 2020
Published: 2005-05-20


The economic situation of the flower bulbs growers in the years 1991–2001 has been examined in this paper. The dynamics of prices of the flower bulbs has been analysed with respect to the dynamics of salaries and to the prices of the selected means of agricultural production. The line of tendency calculated by the method of the smallest squares was used in the analysis of the pace of changes. In order to eliminate the absolute diversity of the level of prices between the prices of flower bulbs, the salaries and the prices of means of agricultural production, the trends were calculated for relative values. The prices of flower bulbs were also presented by means of natural equivalent. The analyses revealed the deterioration of the economical conditions of the production of the flower bulbs initial material, which was caused by faster, in most cases, growth in the prices of means of production and in the amount of salaries rather than in the prices of flower bulbs.


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