Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
The aim of the paper was the presentation of the total sulphur and sulphate sulphur content in soil profile under differentiated soil cultivation conditions. The studies were carried out in the two long-term field experiments in Chylice. The soil of the experiment field is Mollic Gleysols. The experiments contained 5 different soil tillage systems: deep ploughing (40 cm) once per 5 years, ploughing at 25 cm, skimming (15 cm), ploughing at 25 cm and liming, direct sowing and liming. The soil samples were collected from 3 depths of soil profile: 0–15 cm, 15–30 cm and 30–45 cm. The total sulphur content in the soil by LECO 2000 apparatus and sulphate sulphur content in the soil after extraction in 0.03 mol dm–3 CH3COOH by ICP method, and organic carbon content in soil by LECO 2000 apparatus were determined. The highest content of total sulphur in the soil was observed in conditions of direct sowing (0.30 g kg–1), and the smallest content of this element in the soil was determined in conditions of ploughing at 15 cm (0.21 g kg–1). The highest content of total sulphur in soil always characterized the top layer of soil (0–15 cm). The content of total sulphur in the soil decreased with the depth of soil profile. The content of sulphate sulphur in the soil average at about 30 mg kg–1 regardless utilized soil tillage system. The highest content of S-SO4 was observed in the soil with the deep ploughing, and the smallest content of sulphate sulphur in the soil was observed in conditions of direct sowing. The share of S-SO4 in the total sulphur content in the soil ranged from 9 to 15%.