Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
In 2002–2003 the experiments were carried out to study the influence of various ways of arable land cultivation, excluded from production for one year, on the soil water relations. For this purpose the experiment was situated on podsolic soil, in which 5 ways of fallow cultivation were compared: bare fallow (agrotechnical), agrotechnical and herbicide fallow, herbicide fallow, green fodder fallow and green-manured fallow. To estimate water conditions on the fallow, moisture of three soil layers was determined, that is 0–20, 20–40 and 40–60 cm on all objects in the following terms: at the beginning of vegetation period, in full vegetation and after finishing fallowing (in autumn). On the basis of these measurements the water storage of the soil was estimated. It was stated that from the point of view of water relations of soil, the worst way of conservation of one-year fallow is sowing it with cereal-legume mixture, regardless of its future purpose, considering much water loss in the whole soil profile. The best solution, however, is bare or agrotechnical and herbicide fallow.