Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
The studies were carried out in 2000–2002 on winter triticale, Bogo cultivar. The purpose of the field experiment was to evaluate the effectiveness of pro-ecological and chemical methods of weed control, expressed by winter triticale yield. Six methods of weed control were tested: mechanical, biological and chemical ones, two of each; mechanical – 1× and 2× harrowing, biological – straw of faba bean and spring vetch intercrop and straw of faba bean and buckwheat intercrop, chemical – Granstar 75 WG and Glean 75 DF. Three-years’ averages indicate that all applied methods of weed control protected winter triticale crops in a similar way (no significant differences were observed). The results indicate that the effectiveness of the applied methods of weed control was affected in a large measure by the fluctuating meteorological conditions. Besides, they simultaneously show that the mechanical methods of weed control are more successful when compared to the crop protection characteristics of soil-applied herbicides. The received crops can satisfy both the advocates of conventional farming as well pro-ecological farming.