Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Tom 59 Nr 3 (2004)


Oddziaływanie przyorywanego międzyplonu ścierniskowego na plonowanie ziemniaka w płodozmianach specjalistycznych

  • Wiesław Wojciechowski
  • Danuta Parylak
Przesłane: 8 czerwca 2020
Opublikowane: 08-09-2004


In 2000–2002 a factorial field experiment was conducted to study the influence of increasing frequency of potato occurrence in crop rotation and plowing down stubble crops on the yielding level of tubers and starch. There were four specific rotations in the experiment: 1) potato+ - oats – rye, 2) potato+ - oats – rye and stubble crop, 3) potato+ - rye, 4) potato+ - rye and stubble crop. The control treatment was potato grown in Norfolk rotation: potato++ - oats – field pea – rye. An increasing share of potato in the sown area reduced the formation of tubers, their weight and yield. A severe reduction in potato yield was observed during the years with unfavorable weather conditions (drought). Starch content did not depend significantly on the frequency of occurrence of potato in rotation, and starch yield was affected more by the yield of tubers than starch content. An insignificant influence of plowed down stubble crops on yield, its components and the yield of starch was demonstrated in these specific crop rotations.


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