Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Tom 59 Nr 3 (2004)


Wpływ stosowania różnych herbicydów i mieszanin herbicydowo-mocznikowych na stan zdrowotny pszenżyta ozimego

  • Tomasz P. Kurowski
  • Irena Brzozowska
  • Jan Brzozowski
Przesłane: 9 czerwca 2020
Opublikowane: 09.09.2004


The aim of the field experiment carried out in 2001–2003 at the Experimental Station in Tomaszkowo was to assess the sanitary state of winter triticale cv. Bogo protected with herbicides and herbicides in combination with urea. Urea was applied with different methods. In the
phase of milk maturity, the Hinfner and Papp 5-degree scale was used to assess the intensity of leaf and ear diseases. The results were given as injury index. Septoria leaf blotch and glume blotch both caused by Septoria nodorum were the most dangerous triticale diseases. Additionally, yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis) and fusarium ear blight (Fusarium spp.) occurred in the first experimental year with the weather permitting strong triticale infection. The smallest intensity of infections were observed in unfertilized winter triticale and without the herbicides. On urea fertilized plots, Granstar 75 WG and Aminopielik D 450 SL had a positive effect, whereas Chwastox Extra 300 SL and Mustang 306 SE had an explicitly negative effect on sanitary state of winter triticale. All herbicide combinations had an undesirable effect on the sanitary state of triticale. Nitrogen fertilization method as the experimental factor (urea applied to soil or both to soil and on leaves) did not have an effect on the development of winter triticale diseases.


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