Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
The research aimed to assess changes in segetal flora richness and biodiversity in cereal crops in a selected habitat (Małopolska voivodship; southern Poland) from 1993 to 2022. The research material consisted of 65 phytosociological relevés representing selected years of the analyzed multiannual period. The total species richness and the average number of segetal species on individual fields slightly decreased. In the first year of the study (1993), the total number of species was 56, and the average number of species in the phytosociological relevé was 23. However, in the last year (2022), the total number of species was 55, while their average number was around 20. The proportion of monocotyledonous weeds in the total weed infestation constantly increased, from 10% in 1993 to 23% in 2022. The studied flora was dominated by short-lived species (especially therophytes) throughout the entire multiannual period. The Shannon-Wiener diversity index remained at a relatively similar level for many years – in 1993 it was 0.8, and in 2022 – it was 0.9, which generally indicates a constant diversity of the studied flora of fields. The Simpson dominance index showed a decreasing trend; in the first year of the study it was 0.4, and in the last year – less than 0.3.
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