Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 59 No. 4 (2004)


The effect of sulphur fertilization and liming on sulphur uptake by spring forms of wheat and rape

  • Adam Kaczor
  • Marzena S. Brodowska
  • Grzegorz Kowalski
Submitted: June 10, 2020
Published: 2004-12-10


The results were based on an analysis of plant material of a two years’ pot experiment. The characteristics of plants and soil used in the experiment as well as the methods of experiment were presented in the work, which was related to total sulphur content in spring forms of wheat and rape. The analysis of plant and soil material used in the experiment was pursued in two replications and the values mentioned in tables are average. The uptake of total sulphur by spring forms of wheat and rape was calculated on the basis of percentage content of that nutrient and plant yields. Related to the experimental factors, the stage of plants development and plant organ the uptake of total sulphur by spring wheat and rape was clearly differentiated. It was stated that the biggest influence on total sulphur uptake by the analysed plants was exerted by sulphur fertilization. It was also proved that sodium sulphate influenced sulphur uptake more positively than application of elementary sulphur. In a large part total sulphur uptake was determined by soil liming. It results from the analysed data that after soil liming using both dolomite and calcium carbonate sulphur uptake by spring wheat decreased, as compared to the values observed in not limed series. In series with spring rape this regularity refers only to objects where sulphur fertilization was not implemented. In the other limed series where sulphur fertilization was also applied, total sulphur uptake increased as compared to the values observed in not limed objects. It should be added that also the form of lime fertilizer had some marginal influence on sulphur uptake, which was not much smaller in objects limed by calcium carbonate.


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