The aim of the study was to compare the generic composition and the intensity of occurrence of entomopathogenic fungi in the soils of farmlands with intensive chemical protection and soils without pesticide protection, including soils from the agroforestry cultivation system. The research material consisted of samples of arable soils collected in 2021 (spring, autumn) on an individual farm with an area of 7.42 ha, located in the town of Kołodziąż, voivodeship masovian. The research objects without pesticide protection were soil samples taken from the meadow, mid-field forest and agroforestry cultivation along the avenue (Sosnówka, Lublin voivodeship) in 2022. Entomopathogenic fungi were isolated using the trapping method and isolation on a selective medium. In the course of the research, insect pathogenic of the genera Beauveria, Metarhizium and Cordyceps were isolated. When assessing the total severity of the marked types of entomopathogenic fungi in both study dates, it was found that the greatest number of trap insect larvae were infected by fungi in soils collected from mid-field trees and meadow soils (without chemical protection). The conducted research showed that in the soils of arable lands where pesticide protection was applied, the isolated genera of entomopathogenic fungi formed less colony-forming units (CFU) than in soils where no chemical protection was applied.
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