Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 78 No. 3 (2023)


The financial condition of hunting associations against the background of liabilities for damage to crops and crops

Submitted: March 10, 2023
Published: 2024-01-22


The paper presents the economic aspects of the  functioning of hunting clubs in the context of liability for damage to crops and crops, carrying out estimation procedures and payment of compensation in this respect. Current legal solutions impose an obligation on hunting clubs to assess damage to agricultural crops caused by some species of large game. All costs in this regard are borne by hunting clubs from their own funds, with the tendency of increasing the amounts of liabilities every year. It is worth emphasizing that hunting associations cover almost ¾ of all compensations in the country paid for damage to agricultural crops. The only aspect of supporting the circles in this respect is the transfer of ownership rights to the game killed in accordance with the law by the state
as the legal owner of the game to the hunting clubs. The financial proceeds for the game carcasses sold by the clubs cover mostly the amounts of compensation paid annually, but do not compensate for the technical costs related to the entire estimation procedures. The only aspect of supporting the circles in this regard is the transfer by the State, as the legal owner of wild game, of funds from the sale of carcasses of hunted game, which in the current economic conditions cover the amounts of compensation paid annually, but do not compensate for the technical costs related to the entire estimation procedures. The costs related to the technical aspects of estimation are several times higher than the amounts of compensation themselves, hence the attempts to change the law to eliminate hunters as entities estimating the damage done in 2016-2018 failed. Hunting clubs are currently the only entities that can meet both technical and financial requirements in terms of liability for damage caused by game to agricultural crops.


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