Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 67 No. 3 (2012)


The analysis of demand for technical maintenance services of farm vehicles and machines in the context of the distance from the service point

Submitted: May 11, 2019
Published: 2012-09-04


The study presents the issues of technical maintenance of vehicles and machines used in agricultural holdings which run crop and livestock production. The survey included services carried out by the Service Department in the context of the distance from the place of agricultural work to the company’s headquarters. The structures of servicing orders are presented for four radiuses of distance: r = 0 km, 0 km < r ≤ 50 km, 50 km < r ≤ 100 km and r > 100 km. The surveys were carried out in the years 2003–2010 in the company conducting authorised distribution and servicing activities of farm vehicles and machines in central-eastern Poland. The services includes 9 310 orders in total. Servicing activities carried out in the company’s workshops (r = 0) and the ones in farmers’ holdings or in the field (r > 0) are presented in a graphic form, and their statistical analysis was performed with the use of the R program version 2.14.1. The trend and random and seasonal fluctuations were identified for services within radius r = 0 and r > 0. Temporal distributions of inspections and repairs of farm vehicles and machines were subject to analysis and evaluated in the context of the calendar of agrotechnical operations.


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