Influence of liming and mineral fertilization on the content of available forms of magnesium and potassium in soil 1-6 Wiesław Bednarek, Renata Reszka PDF
Phosphorus uptake by spring barley in dependence on the content of this element in soil 7-18 Wiesław Bednarek, Renata Reszka PDF
The activity of agro-tourist associations localized to the East and to the West from the Vistula river 29-40 Jan Zuba, Maria Zuba PDF (Język Polski)
Assessment of agro-tourist associations both integrated and not integrated regionally 41-52 Jan Zuba, Maria Zuba PDF (Język Polski)
Use of canonical variate analysis for the multivariate assessment of two- and multi-rowed barley DH lines (Hordeum vulgare L.) 53-61 Jan Bocianowski, Wojciech Rybiński PDF (Język Polski)
Pleiotropic effects of Ppd-A1 gene on yield and its components in Mercia recombinant lines of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Poland 62-67 Krzysztof Kowalczyk, Danuta Miazga, Anthony J. Worland, Agnieszka jakubczak PDF (Język Polski)
The influence of etephon on yield components of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cv. Bezostaya isogenic lines with Rht genes 68-77 Krzysztof Kowalczyk, Agnieszka Jakubczak, Michał Nowak PDF (Język Polski)
Phytosociological and functional diversity of plant communities of the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class in the Urzędówka valley 78-89 Barbara Mosek, Stanisław Miazga PDF (Język Polski)
Application of photo-indication method for identification of meadow habitats humidity in Ochoża river valley 90-97 Antoni Grzywna, Danuta Urban PDF (Język Polski)
Segetal weeds communities in winter and spring cereals of loess soils in Skierbieszowski Landscape Park 98-108 Marta Ziemińska-Smyk PDF (Język Polski)
The effect of Tytanit® on the yield structure and the fruit size of strawberry ‘Senga Sengana’ and ‘Elsanta’ cv. 109-118 Paweł Michalski PDF (Język Polski)
The effect of foliar fertilisation of winter rapeseed with molybdenum on the concentration of the element in seeds 119-126 Ewa Stanisławska-Glubiak PDF (Język Polski)