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Vol. 16 No. 1 (2017)


REGENERATION CAPACITY OF Asparagus setaceus (Kunth) Jessop ‘PYRAMIDALIS’ IN in vitro CULTURES

Submitted: October 14, 2020
Published: 2017-02-28


Plant regeneration through the tissue culture techniques would be a excellent alternative for improving the quality and faster production of Asparagus species. The number of reports on application of biotechnologi-cal methods (such as direct organogenesis, indirect organogenesis and somatic embriogenesis) for ornamen-tal asparagus are scarce in comparison to edible asparagus. The aim of this study was to verify the effec-tiveness of chemical and physical factors on organogenetic response of Asparagus setaceus ‘Pyramidalis’ explants. The results showed that nodes cultured on MS medium supplemented on IAA (1.71 μM) and BA (13.32 μM) gave highest number of shoots per explant (14 – in the fourth passage). Rhizogenesis were achieved on MS medium with IBA (2.45 μM) and ancymidol (2.88 μM). Finally, 90% of rooted shoots (microcuttings) survived. The fastest increase in callus tissue on internodal explants were observed on MS medium with addition of TDZ (9.08 μM) and adenine sulphate (10.86 μM).


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