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Tom 15 Nr 6 (2016)



Przesłane: 2 listopada 2020
Opublikowane: 2016-12-31


Biostimulants are compounds of diverse formulations, that improve quantity and quality of yield. Their positive effect on plants is more evident in stressful conditions. Biostimulants increase a plant’s tolerance to stresses and enable the repair of damage caused by unfavourable conditions. In this study the effect of Asahi SL on Arabidopsis thaliana L. grown in the presence of cadmium (Cd2+) was evaluated.Cd2+ negatively affected examined parameters and processes, leading to disturbances in plant growth and performance. A. thaliana treated with Asahi SL were higher and advanced in development. Biomass accumulation was stimulated by Asahi SL due to a higher efficiency of the photosynthetic apparatus, manifested by higher: (i) leaf area, (ii) chlorophyll content and (iii) intensity of photosynthesis. Despite higher intensity of transpiration and lower stomatal resistance, the relative water content was unchanged in Asahi SL – treated plants
due to the stimulation of root development. Therefore, it can be concluded that Asahi SL protects plants against Cd2+ stress.


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