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Tom 14 Nr 2 (2015)



Przesłane: 5 listopada 2020
Opublikowane: 2015-04-30


Crocosmia (Crocosmia × crocosmiiflora) is an exceptionally attractive and interesting ornamental plant. Numerous varieties of this species have been produced, however, the information concerning their requirements and cultivation conditions is lacking. The study was conducted in the field conditions in the years 2008–2010. The plant material included corms of four crocosmia cultivars: ‘Emily McKenzie’, ‘Lucifer’, ‘Mars’, and ‘Meteor’. The corms were planted on 15th April, 5th May and 25th May. The number of days from the beginning of sprouting until the end of flowering was established, and measurements of vegetative and generative traits were performed during cultivation. Corm yield was determined at the end of the cultivation period. It was found that delaying the planting time resulted in accelerated sprouting of the corms. Irrespective of the cultivar, the plants grown from the corms planted on 5th May were the first, and those planted on 25th May – the last to bloom. The corm planting time affected vegetative and generative features of the crocosmia plants. The plants grown from the corms planted on 5th and
25th May were higher, had more shoots and leaves on the main shoots. The plants grown from the corms planted on 5th May were characterized by the longest main inflorescence shoots and flowers of larger diameter than the plants grown from the corms planted on 15th April and 25th May. Cultivar-specific features largely determined the vegetative and generative traits. The plants of ‘Emily McKenzie’ cultivar were characterized by the longest main inflorescence shoots and the largest flower diameter, but they produced the lowest number of inflorescence shoots and flowers per main inflorescence spike. The study showed that earlier planting time (15th April and 5th May) resulted in higher coefficient of weight and number increase of the new corms, but it did not affect the coefficient of total corm weight increase, as compared to the delayed planting time (25th May).


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