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Tom 23 Nr 3 (2024)


Effects of Azotobacter spp., mycorrhizal fungi and shade treatments on plant growth and chlorophyll content in boxwoods plants

Przesłane: 6 listopada 2023
Opublikowane: 2024-06-28


In this study, two important commercial species, Buxus microphilla and B. herlandii, were evaluated. People do not want polluting and toxic fertilizers used to cultivate the plants they use for nutrition, and they do not want the plants they use as ornamental plants. The study investigated the effects of mycorrhizal and bacterial applications on plant growth and chlorophyll content. As a result of the study, it was concluded that bacterial applications on the development of boxwoods are more effective than mycorrhizal applications. Shading further increased the effect of the applications. In B. microphilla, in a 70% shade, plant height increased by 18.5% with mycorrhizal application, and plant width increased by 29.7% with bacterial application. In B. herlandii, bacterial application increased plant height by 13.3% and plant width by 20.4%. In shadowless application, the amount of chlorophyll in B. herlandii leaves was found to increase by 47.20% with bacteria and in B. microphilla, it increased by 65.86. In shadow application in B. herlandii, leaves were found to increase by 76.70% with bacteria; in B. microphilla, it increased by 94.93%. It was concluded that the bacteria application is more effective than others because Azotobacters fix the free nitrogen in the air to the boxwood soil, which needs continuous nitrogen for growth and development. For this reason, N-fixing bacteria applications to the soil can be used as an alternative to chemical fertilizer applications in boxwood cultivation or hedge formation.


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