Effect of some agrotechnical factors on scorzonera (Scorzonera hispanica L.) yield dynamics and the yield of its sowing material

Agnieszka Dolota

Barbara Dąbrowska


The objects of analysis were seven scorzonera (Scorzonera hispanica L.) cultivars: ‘Einjährige Riesen’ , ‘Lange Jan’ , ‘Prodola’ , ‘Maxima’ , ‘Westlandia’ , ‘Meres’ and ‘Duplex’ .Two sowing times: spring (April) and summer (June), and two cultivation methods: flat and ridge were considered as factors in this study. The study compared the yield dynamics of seed plantations started with three different methods: April and June sowing, flat root planting and ridge root planting. The highest achaenium yield was found in the case of April sowing; the plants bloomed for 1.5 months.


scorzonera, cultivars, growing methods, yield course, achaenium yield

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Agnieszka Dolota 
Barbara Dąbrowska 


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